Mid-September. The roses are hanging on—blooming, maybe, for the last time this year.
But the spider lilies have come out, too. They’re standing tall here and there, at the edge of rice fields, or in little clumps near sidewalks, soaking up the sun, keeping an eye on things.
I think this is the first year I’ve really noticed white spider lilies. These I spotted on campus.
Roses and spider lilies. It’s a nice season. I like it.
It’s good to know what you like.
The other day I was reading an article providing us with a new bucket list. Bucket lists. You know, lists of all the things you really should do before you die. This particular bucket list, though, was a list of things you should do before you die that you shouldn’t do.
I’m not sure the purpose of these lists. It’s great for media to provide everyone with information about what’s out there in the world. What there is you can see. What there is you can do. I appreciate it. Greatly. But how can a journalist tell you if it is meaningful for you to swim with dolphins? How can a journalist tell you if it’s void of meaning for you to swim with dolphins?
So I’ll pass on the lists—the lists of must-dos and the list of must-dos that you must not do. But I like information. In fact, I’d like to read a good article about dolphins. Yeah, including where I might be able to swim with one. Or stuff about their habits, like how fast they can swim, or how long they can stay under water, or what they like to eat, or what all that rat-a-tat squeaking is all about, or whether they cry when someone they’re hanging out with gets injured seriously. That sort of stuff I can’t get enough of.
Anyway, the roses will be blooming in my tiny little garden for a few more days, and the shiny green kumquats are just beginning to go orange, too.
Yes, and all over town, those debonaire spider lilies have sprung up indeed. They’ll be around for a few more days, just checking things out.