Mountain Hydrangeas


June 4th.

We Hearty Hikers went to Ryuso Mountain because we wanted the exercise, we didn’t have enough time to get up to Umegashima, and well, because we missed Ryuso a bit.


We didn’t really go to check out the mountain hydrangea. But that’s what ended up enchanting us—me, anyway.


From what I see on the Web, all sorts of folks, at least those here in Shizuoka and around my home state of Georgia, are enjoying the hydrangeas. Rightfully so. They’re lovely. I’m enjoying them, too. Like these, below, which I spotted near the river at the back end of Senna, heading up toward Ryuso.


But I prefer the mountain hydrangea. The blossoms are not as big and global and they don’t grow as profusely as they do on the bushes dotting gardens all over town—but that’s sort of what I like.


Komorebi. This is a Japanese word that I like a lot. It means, more or less, sunlight filtering down through tree leaves. I’ve never met a hiker who didn’t love komorebi. At times, there’s nothing better for a hiker than to get out of the full shineshine and into komorebi.


And the world of komorebi is the world in which the mountain hydrangeas  live. Their limbs bend and twist and reach for the sunshine, but in the end, they just don’t get as much sunshine as their relatives down in town. Maybe they wish they could get more. Maybe they don’t.


Regardless, you can feel the effort they make. And you feel the pride they feel in what they’ve made of the limited sunshine available to them. You can see that beauty is not always bigger and brighter. And you see how beauty appreciates whatever light does shine upon it.

160604_cedar_600The cedars are always there, up on Ryuso. Go ahead, try to knock this guy over.


The peachy-red azalaes know all that the hydrangea do.


These yellow guys (kakinohagusa), too, were doing pretty good in mostly shady spots.

160604_fuji2_600The leaves were all out—so our buddy Fuji-kun was only visible from one or two spots. Float on by, Fuji-kun!


As we started down, we ran into this fellow. At first, he seemed a little shy, and kept a couple of strides ahead of us.

160604_kamoshika_2_600But finally he turned back to us. Seemed willing to introduce himself.

160604_kamoshika_face_450“We good?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

160604_mountain_ajisai_10_600Most of the hydrangea we saw in bloom were on the lower half of the mountain. Further up, they should be blooming over the next couple of weeks.

If you have the time . . .         160604_mountain_ajisai_3_600

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