Greatly beloved of us Hearty Hikers, Ryuso Mountain.
Third visible hump on the right.
It was rainy this morning, but about to stop—-probably for good—and I had to decide whether to drive to work or cycle.
Glad I decided to cycle.
Fuji looked like he might want to stay inside all day.
When the skies about him brightened . . . he decided to take a bubble bath.
Me, once I’m on the bicycle, I’m always sure it’s the right decision, whether it rains or not.
It’s a completely different experience on the bicycle. Easy to stop and look.
Those are tea bushes in the background.
Easy to hop off the bicycle and walk a minute or two, get a better look at the rape flowers.
And when the blue does come out, it’s easy to STOP . . . as in STOP COMPLETELY . . . and enjoy the moment.
As best as circumstances allow, leave home early enough that you don’t have to rush.
What a beautiful bright sunshiny day! What a good day to be here in Shizuoka!